Major Milestones:
La Carreta School Project
During the summer of 2015 we broke ground for another high school for remote and underserved rural villages where over 130 high school students have been attending classes only on Sundays and Wednesday afternoons in elementary school classrooms.
By September the first two wings were started, and by the end of December they are almost completed, along with a separate restroom building. We anticipate completion of these initial buildings for a start of the new school year in February, 2016!
The new school will serve students through the 5 secondary grades to high school graduation, serving 7 rural communities around La Carreta, a village in the Municipality of Villanueva where we have worked since 1999.
The community members whose children will attend this school decided on a double curriculum, one of classical courses and one of agricultural technology. The local government purchased the land and gave title to the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua, which has committed to providing teachers and basic materials. Our role is the building of the school and in the future helping to provide support with some equipment and books.