Yearly Archives: 2017

Water on its way!

The promised drill rig to dig the much-needed well for Instituto Augusto Cesar Sandino is on its way to the port in Nicaragua! The non-profit Amigos for Christ that works in northern Nicaragua is providing the use of this drill, being shipped this month from Philadelphia and slated to arrive around Christmas. It’s a powerful machine adequate to the job of drilling for water through the blue rock at the new secondary school in La Carreta.

Somos Ohana Nicaragua will provide infrastructure, such as a pump and piping, for this well. We have worked and hoped for this access to water since the beginning of building this school. The students can look forward to adequate water for sanitation, hydration and the irrigation of their garden crops, and Somos Ohana Nicaragua can look forward to starting the construction of the third wing, which will include a kitchen.

Ultimately, the school plans to offer agricultural and animal husbandry skills in addition to the regular academic curriculum and computer classes which are ongoing now.

2017-12-02T21:33:34+00:00December 2nd, 2017|

Pipian Squashes from the School Garden

Agriculture is planned as the focus of the new secondary school, Instituto Augusto Cesar Sandino, in La Carreta. Therefore, we are very happy to receive word that the pipians (squash) planted in the summer have matured and been harvested by the students. The garden will potentially help feed lunch to the school’s kids as well as giving them experience growing food. Having 20 cordobas (roughly a 65 cents) to buy lunch at school is out of the question for many students and is one of the reasons some come only to Saturday school rather than attending Monday through Friday.

2017-11-14T04:30:57+00:00November 14th, 2017|

Cooking School Garden Vegetables

La Carreta students and Language Arts teacher Luvy Rueda lainez recently cooked up the school garden’s pipians for lunch, with rice.

The Gov’t gives the primary schools some rice and beans, and sometimes flour, sugar, and cooking oil. (Usually none of that goes to the secondary schools.) The mothers at the primary schools take turns cooking for the children’s lunches in a program to encourage school attendance.

In La Carreta, to encourage more students to attend daily classes, the Directora (Principal), with the permission of the Delegada, (head of the local Ministry of Education), procured some of the rice and beans from the primary school supply to feed the secondary students. Sometimes, they ran out of rice and beans, and received nothing. This is a special plan for La Carreta’s Instituto A. C. Sandino only. If it is successful, it may extend to other secondary schools.

When La Carreta’s Instituto has a real kitchen, which we are planning to provide in the 3rd wing, and more gardens, they can broaden their scope of how the kitchen will work. Besides a place to prepare lunches, it will also be a way of teaching the students how to prepare vegetables in a clean environment, with various seasonings, too.

2017-11-14T04:27:12+00:00November 14th, 2017|

Yard Sale Oct 14th

The amazing “Attic Clean-Out,” remains-of-an-estate, fundraiser yard sale is Saturday, October 14, 8am to 1pm, where we’ll have unique antiques and collectibles as well as Nicaraguan crafts, plus household, baby and clothing items, plants, foods and more, at 51 Mano Drive in Kula Kai subdivision, Kula, Maui.

This yard sale is dedicated to raising funds for the 3rd wing of the Instituto Augusto Cesar Sandino secondary school at La Carreta, municipality of Villanueva, in Chinandega province.

In a rural area of NW Nicaragua where there had never been a secondary school before, after much planning by the community and several years of fund-raising by our non-profit organization, ground was broken for the first two wings of the one-story school in August 2015 and completed in February 2016 when 130 students began their first academic year there. The room marked “Computacion” with its 10 computers is a very popular hub of activity Monday through Saturday, with weekday students, Saturday students and teachers learning to use programs. Spanish language arts, English, mathematics, science and history classes are going on in the other classrooms.

This past summer during our team’s mission, during the days the deaf teens attended our day camp for special needs youth, they were taken to the new school’s computer room to begin to acquire much-needed keyboarding and computer use skills. Most of these students attend schools that cannot provide any computer classes.

The community being served by the school has requested agricultural and animal husbandry courses along with a standard secondary curriculum. Therefore, a third wing, in the planning and fund-raising stage, will include a kitchen to process the produce the students and teachers will raise in the market gardens.

Visit Somosohana Nicaragua on Facebook for photos of some of our unusual treasures!

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2017-10-03T02:50:18+00:00October 3rd, 2017|

Valentine’s Day Fundraiser for La Carreta school water supply

Lovers, and lovers of wood-fired pizza, let’s share the love at Flatbread in Paia on Valentines Day Tuesday night, Feb. 14. Each pizza we eat between 5 and 10 pm will turn into some cash for changing this picture into a working well for the students and teachers at Instituto Augusto Cesar Sandino in La Carreta, Chinandega Province, Nicaragua.

The pizza night fundraiser includes a sale of Nicaraguan crafts and a silent auction with many valuable prizes. A portion of the money from every pizza sold at the restaurant between 5:00 and 10:00 pm will be donated by The Flatbread Co. to Somos Ohana Nicaragua. Flatbread is located at 89 Hana Highway in Paia, Maui.

S.O.N. president Charlotte Flavin stated, “The most urgent need right now is to raise the money for the planned well to supply water for sanitation and agriculture at Instituto Augusto Cesar Sandino. The drill rig is presently at sea on its way from the US to Nicaragua, and the digging will be donated by another non-profit, Amigos for Christ. Somos Ohana Nicaragua must supply all the infrastructure for the well at a cost of roughly $15,000. Presently 133 students from remote and underserved rural communities are attending classes there and depending on the delivery of a barrel of water twice weekly, which arrives by mule cart. A third wing for the school will be built when a well is operational, and will include a kitchen so students can clean and prepare the vegetables for sale that will be grown in the school gardens.”

We are on our way, with just a little over $9,000 still to be raised by the end of May. All donations, of any amount, are very much needed and very greatly appreciated.

—-Mil gracias from Maui non-profit SOMOS OHANA NICARAGUA.

2017-05-31T21:36:40+00:00February 8th, 2017|

Water is life, and a way is opening to get it for the new school!

Can you imagine a secondary school operating for one year with no water? In Nicaragua, it’s possible. The Instituto Augusto C. Sandino has been operating since February 2016 with a barrel of water delivered twice weekly for all drinking and sanitation needs.

Somos Ohana Nicaragua completed construction of the first two wings and the outfitting of one classroom as a computer lab a year ago, but we have been working on how on earth to fund the necessary well to make possible the community’s dream of an agricultural school, which will be teaching, in addition to regular academics, animal husbandry and agriculture. The 3rd wing of this school that Somos Ohana Nicaragua is committed to build will house a kitchen for preparing vegetables grown at the school for local market. We must have water!

But this week we received wonderful news! The non-profit Amigos for Christ which works in our area of Nicaragua has committed to drilling the well for the Institute. They wrote, “We are hoping within the next 30 days the rig and truck will be floating in the ocean down here,” and with arrival of the equipment and a trainer, “we will drill a well at the school.”
The design and drilling by Amigos for Christ will be free, an enormous gift, but the casing, the pump, power to the pump, and a tank will have to be covered by our organization. For the school, the estimated cost of those things will be about $15,000. This is a bargain for a public school well! But our money is already designated for 2017 programs and construction.

Will you help us cover the well costs so that students and teachers have clean water to drink and improved hygiene, and so that we can move on to building the 3rd wing of the school for school gardens and small farm animals?

Thank you very much for your gift of life-giving water!

2017-05-31T21:36:41+00:00January 24th, 2017|
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