Monthly Archives: August 2019

New 3rd wing features kitchen & stove

The newly finished 3rd wing of the La Carreta secondary school Instituto Augusto C. Sandino in La Carreta has a kitchen with a built-in stove. This will allow the teachers, students and parent helpers to prepare lunches for the kids, utilizing vegetables being grown in the school gardens.

The community designed this school to ultimately have an agronomy and animal husbandry curriculum in addition to basic education. The kitchen is intended to facilitate preparation of market vegetables in the future.

2019-08-15T04:08:05+00:00August 15th, 2019|

3rd wing of La Carreta school completed!

The Somos Ohana Nicaragua team just returned from their summer 2019 trip, marking the 20th consecutive year of working in the Municipality of Villanueva, Dept. of Chinandega.

The 3rd wing of the La Carreta secondary school, Instituto Augusto C. Sandino, is completed and in use! These students are studying in the new library. We’ll soon be acquiring more books, too.

We continue to support the library and secondary school students and teachers at Rincon de Garcia, built by Somos Ohana Nicaragua in 2009.

2019-08-15T04:09:52+00:00August 14th, 2019|
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