Monthly Archives: March 2021

Completed! New classroom for growing high school

Instituto Jose Dolores Estrada’s new classroom is finished. The head teacher, Alvaro Francisco Mondragon (L), and the architect/contractor, Edwin Morales (R), are ready to cut the ribbon for the teachers and students. Ingeniero Morales donated the lights for the first-ever night time illumination at this school in Rincon de Garcia, Municipalidad de Villanueva, Chinandega, Nicaragua.

2021-03-08T19:42:51+00:00March 8th, 2021|

Folding doors make a flexible space

New folding dividing doors will now make a double classroom at Instituto Jose Dolores Estrada be useful for either 2 smaller classes or, opened up, a larger assembly of students and teachers. With the new night lighting, the community can also gather at the school now for evening meetings.

2021-03-08T19:39:49+00:00March 8th, 2021|
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