We are celebrating the inauguration of the completion of the computer lab of the new high school we helped build in La Carreta! Not only is the room completed with air-conditioning as planned, But also, the President of the Republic of Nicaragua donated 10 computers and 10 desks to put them on. These were installed May 25 and a celebration held there at the school. It’s a very positive sign that the President and his staff in Managua are taking responsibility for the success of new school’s computer lab and for the well-being and education of the children of rural families in that area.
This excellent news means that of the 10 used computers donated by the Bertschi School in Seattle, 5 will still go to the La Carreta lab for which 15 stations were planned, and 5 will be available to provide to our 3 new university students who don’t have computers and are on scholarship from Somos Ohana Nicaragua. Two other computers will go to the first rural secondary school we helped build in Rincon de Garcia, for the teachers to help the students learn basic orientation to computer use.
Lots to be thankful for!